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While Australians are keen to recycle their plastic, figures show the current system is not working
The second week of November each year is National Recycling Week and research shows the majority of Australians want to recycle. According to the 2022 Australasian Recycling Label Consumer Insights Report, 87 per cent of Australians believe that recycling at home is the right thing to do. The Australian government agrees and has set ambitious...
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Plastic recycling: green necessity or waste of effort?
Since the 1950s, some 9bn tonnes of plastic have been produced globally. About half of that was made in the past 20 years. Around the world, one million plastic bottles are purchased every minute. Plastic clogs our oceans and our veins: scientists have detected it in the deepest part of the Pacific and, this year,...
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We never got good at recycling plastic. Some states are trying a new approach
After recycling’s failure to appreciably reduce the amount of plastic the U.S. throws away, some states are taking a new approach, transferring the onus of recycling from consumers to product manufacturers. In the past 12 months, legislatures in Maine, Oregon and Colorado have passed “extended producer responsibility” laws on packaging. The legislation essentially forces producers of consumer goods — such...
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Drowning in trash: Israel running out of landfill space
Batteries are the most expensive part of a solar system. Between an appropriately-size battery bank and a battery-based
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Supermarkets are pausing soft plastic recycling. What should I do with my plastic bags now?
State comptroller report suggests Israel on course to exhaust all its waste disposal areas in three to four years while country’s waste generation keeps increasing each years In three to four years, Israel will be out of approved landfill spaces, a new report published Monday by State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman suggests. According to the report,...
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חיים בזבל: אין תחרות – ופינוי הפסולת מתייקר
דו”ח מבקר המדינה מצביע כי הישראלים מייצרים 36% יותר פסולת בשנה מהממוצע במדינות ה-OECD. בנוסף, לא פחות מ-83% מהפסולת מופנית להטמנה בקרקע ולא למחזור, ולכן בעוד כ-4 שנים לא יהיה לאן לפנות פסולת נתונים מדו”ח מבקר המדינה על הרשויות המקומיות המתפרסם היום (ב’) מצביעים כי ישראלי ממוצע מייצר מדי שנה יותר מ-630 קילו פסולת, מספר...
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