The second week of November each year is National Recycling Week and research shows the majority of Australians want to...
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Since the 1950s, some 9bn tonnes of plastic have been produced globally. About half of that was made in the...
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After recycling’s failure to appreciably reduce the amount of plastic the U.S. throws away, some states are taking a new...
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Batteries are the most expensive part of a solar system. Between an appropriately-size battery bank and a battery-based
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State comptroller report suggests Israel on course to exhaust all its waste disposal areas in three to four years while...
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דו”ח מבקר המדינה מצביע כי הישראלים מייצרים 36% יותר פסולת בשנה מהממוצע במדינות ה-OECD. בנוסף, לא פחות מ-83% מהפסולת מופנית...
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